

Get more 5 star reviews

The all-in-one solution to get online reviews & share them with the world

All for a low month cost of only $54! Yep, no extra fees, that's the final price.

Send reviews for Google, Facebook, Yelp or wherever through email and SMS text messages!

Get more 5 star reviews

The all-in-one solution to get online reviews & share them with the world

All for a low month cost of only $54! Yep, no extra fees, that's the final price.

Send reviews for Google, Facebook, Yelp or wherever through email and SMS text messages!

Without our service

You allow the competition to get way ahead

You allow for greater chance of bad reviews

You lose time trying to send reviews routinely or not at all.

With our service

Get way more 5-star reviews

The reviews send on their own, with reminders

They only go through the review page if they are happy with your service. If not, they don't.

How does it work?

More 5-Star reviews, less bad ones.

We create your personalized review page and then send your clients review requests, all on autopilot (with reminders!). We have the strategy down pat, so you can stay focused on providing the great service!

Get More Reviews Plan

This plan includes following:

Send reviews through email and text

Customized survey page

Linked Google review page

Linked Facebook review page

Linked Yelp review page

Or any review page you would like added

Free integrations and do-it-for-you service

Free customize review page


Get More Reviews Plan

This plan includes following:

Send reviews through email and text

Customized survey page

Linked Google review page

Linked Facebook review page

Linked Yelp review page

Or any review page you would like added

Free integrations and do-it-for-you service

Free customize review page


Put your business's best foot forward

79 %

Businesses with more reviews receive 79% more clicks

and way more revenue than those that have less or bad reviews.

Have your reviews managed with confidence

If you have questions about our expert services and what we can do to help your business, just let us know!

Email us at Admin@prolongvisions.com or send us a text!

© Copyright Prolong Visions 2024
